The Drivers of Success Diagnostic Reports 

The drivers of success are the 21 qualities and attributes that determine or drive our success, at school in the workplace and in our lives.

When we are strongly displaying and leveraging the drivers, our success is pretty much guaranteed.If we are lacking in any of these attributes, however, not only will success be harder to achieve, but it can also very easily be taken away.

The drivers are categorised as internal (dark blue, downward triangle), external (sky blue, upward triangle) and core (light blue, central triangle).

The drivers are not fixed: they fluctuate up and down.

The drivers are interconnected, change in one driver results in change in all.

The Drivers of Success diagnostic tool has been customised for use within organisations, training centres, colleges/universities and schools.

Take the survey

The Drivers of Success diagnostic surveys take 10 minutes to complete & can be accessed via a computer or your mobile device

Review the report

The reports explain what the drivers are & why they matter, identify strengths & weaknesses & suggest strategies for growth

Chat and connect 

The diagnostic reports provide a powerful opportunity for authentic connection and impactful conversations

Illuminate next steps

Aggregated data reports identify strengths & weakness at cohort & whole group level; illuminating trends & suggesting next steps