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The acronym PROGRAM, which was created by Scintillate founder and IECL faculty member and coach, Lincoln Barrett, supports people to:

  • identify a Priority
  • unpack the Reality  
  • explore Options for improvement
  • articulate a specific Goal for growth
  • identify supporting Resources
  • specify key Actions
  • map major Milestones

The PROGRAM self-coaching tool helps you feel clearer, more confident and more determined to succeed.

This impact was affirmed in a Randomised Control Trial which found that using PROGRAM resulted in statistically significant improvements in self-reflection, insight and solution focused thinking.    

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Backbone and heart

Life requires us to demonstrate both backbone - strength, and heart - compassion. But just how much backbone and heart do we need? 

Some situations (and people) require us to adopt a stronger stance while others are in need of greater compassion. 

The 'Backbone and heart' coaching tool supports you to:
  • recognise and explore a situation in your life that requires greater strength and a situation that requires greater compassion
  • identify specific strategies and actions for improvement.

After using 'Backbone and heart' you will have a deeper understanding of your current circumstances and a plan for improving them, leaving you feeling lighter and clearer on your next steps. 
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Getting unstuck

Life is complex and sometimes we can feel a bit stuck, unsure of how to resolve a challenging situation or how to move beyond our current limitations.

The 'Getting unstuck' coaching tool supports people to:
  • identify where in life they feel stuck
  • explore what, or who, might be contributing to this feeling
  • articulate what they want instead
  • explore how achieving this would impact themselves and others
  • identify an action plan for turning this desire into a reality

After completing Getting unstuck, you will have greater clarity and insight about what has been keeping you stuck and a plan for how to get unstuck, improving your confidence and sense of peace.   
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Power up your performance

Tim Gallwey's formula for performance identifies two levers for improving our performance and wellbeing:

  1. Harness and unlock potential 
  2. Limit or reduce interferences 

The Power up your performance coaching tool supports you to 'pull' both of these levers, dialling up your strengths and dialling down your interferences.

After completing Power up your performance, you'll feel stronger and more confident. Your interferences won't feel as 'big' and you'll have a plan for reducing them and your strengths will be identified and prioritised, improving their potency and magnifying their impact.

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S.M.A.R.T, first created by George T. Doran, is a useful framework for ensuring the goals that we set are Specific, Measurable, Attractive, Realistic and Time-bound.

The SMARTEN it up coaching tool incorporates the power of this framework and extends it by including two additional elements.
  1. Enablers: identifying the personal attributes, actions, people and systems that will supercharge your success. 
  2. Name: giving your goal a name helps to bring greater meaning and a deepen connection.

Using the SMARTEN it up coaching tool will help you to turn your goals and dreams into realities. 

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Winning week

Time goes FAST! Before we know it, it's the start of another week or month or even a new year. In the busyness of our days, how do we ensure that we are not just responding to what life brings and are instead intentionally creating the opportunities and events that will nudge us closer towards our goals and dreams?

The Winning week coaching tool assists you to set objectives for your upcoming week and identify the attributes, actions, people and resources that will help you to achieve success.

It's a short, sharp reflection that will set you up for successful week and will leave you feeling more optimistic and with a greater sense of control and agency.